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Phases and turning points of the business cycle

The typical business cycle has four phases, which progress as follows:


(一)经济周期(Economi意思c Cycle)是指经济运行过程中周期性出现扩张、收缩的过程,国外喜欢将其称之为商业周期。经济周期具体体现为由供给冲击、需求冲击或技术冲击等多种因素所造成的经济有规律性的波动过程。


Key models

What indications of the business cycle are there?

The business cycle model shows the fluctuations in a nation’s aggregate output and employment over time. The model shows the four phases an econasomy experiences over the long-run: expansion, peak, recession, and trough. The business cycle curv是什么e 中is represented by the solid line in the model shown in Figure 1, and the growth trend is represented by the dashed line in Figure 1.

Output gaps are represented by the difference between actual output. During an expansion, the business cycle line is above the growth trend. During a recession, the business cycle is below the g经济学rowth trend.

Leading indicators anticipate what direction the economy is heading in the future. They aren’t always accurate, but their predictive power makes them useful. The leading indicator most seen on the AP Microeconomics exam is business inventories. Business inventories are the products that have been made but not yet sold. A dramatic, unexpected increase in inventories is oftelmn a leading indicator of a impending economic downturn. That is because businesses are not selling all经济学 that is being produced and are likely to decrease production and employment moving forward.

Lagging indicators may be more accurate than leading indicators, but they only tell us where the economy was in the past. Gross Domestic Product, the unemployment rate, and the CPI inflation rate are the most common lagging indicators. They provide valuable information but don’t give us good clues regarding where the economy is headed next.








1、凯是什么恩斯(John Maynard Keynes,1883-1946年)主义经济周期理论主要源于消费的边际倾向递减、资本的边际效率递减、流动性偏好规律等三大规律,这三大规律均会导致经济运行过程中呈现“繁荣、恐慌、萧条、复苏”的周期特征。



弗里德曼(Milton Friedman,1912as-2006年,1976年获诺贝尔经济学奖)在《美国货币史》中批评凯恩斯主义者忽略货币供应、金融政策对经济周期的重要性,其认为货币和信贷的扩张与收缩是是影响总需求的最基本因素,并认为是经济周期的决定力量。


1、萨缪尔森(Paul A. Samuelson,1915-2意思009年,1970年获得诺贝尔经济学奖)将凯恩斯的“乘数效应”和经济学的“加速原理”结合起来,形成了新古典经济周期理论,即其认为外部冲击会通过乘数效应和加速原理导致总需求发生有规律的周期波动。



1、1950年,英国经济学家约翰理查德希克斯(John Richard Hicks,1904-1989年,1972年获诺贝尔经济学奖)在《经济周期理论》一书中提出其经济周期理论思想。具体来看,希克思的经济周期理论同样是以乘数效应和加速原理为基本思想,即希克思认为经济产量的增长会由于加速原理引起投资的加速度增长,投资增长又会通过乘数效应推动产量成倍数增长(受制于经济周期上限),收缩时则按照同样的路径(受制于经济周期下限),这一过程上便形成所谓的完整经济周期(大致为7-10年左右)。

1) Why does unemployment rise during the recession phase of the business cycle?

A r中ecession is characterized by falling output. As fewer goods and services are produced, there is less need for the workers who produce them. Cyclical unemployment increases as business lay off workers due to lmlow demand for their products.

2) What is the difference between a recession and a depression?

3) If a country is producing beyond its production possibilities curve, what phase of the business cycle is it most likely experiencing?

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