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  上海话 (普通话) (英语)

  隔壁宁家屋里头 (隔壁邻居家里) (in the house of my neighbour)

  交交关关小居头 (有很多很多的小孩子) (there are many children)

  阿杜阿腻阿三头 (老大老二老三) (Alex Ben and Charlie)

  一直排到阿八头 (一直排到老八) (and the last one Harry)

  名字叫得老噱头 (名字起得很有意思) (their are named interestingly)

  阿杜小头头 (老大小头头--小领导) (Alex is a leader)

  阿腻烂泥头 (老二烂泥头) (Ben is ....bad earth head...)(烂泥头是撒。。。?)

  阿三洋葱头 (老三洋葱头) (Charlie is onion)

  阿四长杠头 (老四长扛豆) (Danny is long-ganged)

  阿五五香头 (老五五香豆) (Edu is well smeiled )

  阿六咸菜头 (老六咸菜头) (Fucky is salted-vege)

  阿七芋艿头 (老七芋艿头) (Garry is Yunai-doud)

  最好白相是阿八头 (最好玩是老八) (the most funny one is the eighth)

  嗦只橡皮奶奶头 (嘴里叼着奶嘴) (suck a rubber nipple)

  太阳照到床旺头 (太阳照到床上) (the sun shines to bed)

  一家宁家捂披头 (一家人还在捂被窝) (the family are still sleeping)

  统统了生孽疖头 (头上都生了热疮) (on their head are Hot-cang)

  人人才剃光榔头 (每个人剃了光头) (they all have their hair cut)

  吃特三把盐炒头 (吃了三把盐炒豆) ( eat three bar of salty fired bean)

  册特八泡无厘头 (拉了八次大便) (...and go to the toilet for eight times)

  伊拉屋里爷老头 (他们家里的爸爸) (the father of the family)

  有的一只杜鼻头 (有一只大鼻子) (has a huge nose)

  国泰门口一嘎头 (一个人在国泰电影院门口) (and he stand in front of the GT cinema)

  打桩模子翻跟头 (做倒卖票子的黄牛) (to be the MZ to sell second-hand tickets)

  杜鼻头会轧苗头 (大鼻子很精明) (the Big-nose is clever)

  生意碰碰起蓬头 (生意经常很好) (and his business is good)

  有了一眼花纸头 (有了一些钞票) (then he start to have some money)

  乃么开始轻骨头 (开始骨头就轻了) (and to be a motherfuckinman)

  中国银行开户头 (中国银行开了户头) (he sets a count in the Bank of China)

  登了外头掼派头 (在外面充大款) (and pretends to be a rich man )

  一眼眼路拦叉头 (一点点路也要叫出租车) (he takes taxi which is not necessary)

  香烟老酒过腻头 (香烟老酒过瘾头) (smokes and drinks)

  难办发廊汰汰头 (偶尔去发廊洗头) (he goes to the Hairersin to wash his hair)

  顺便捏捏节节头 (顺便做个脚部按摩) (he goes to the Footersin to wash his foot)

  回到屋里耍滑头 (回到家里耍滑头) (he goes back home and says prefect things)

  袋袋里厢扛拉头 (口袋里只放了零钱) (in his pocket there is only coins)

  伊拉娘叫兰花头 (他们的妈妈叫兰花头) (the mother is called Lanwalled)

  恶型恶状翻行头 (很恶心的打扮和穿衣服) (she put her danm clothes on)

  跟伊拉爷别苗头 (跟他们的爸爸较劲) (to have a competition with the Dad)

  杜鼻头常怕当寿头 (大鼻子恐怕被当作傻瓜) (the Big-nose is afraid of being thought of idiot)

  怀疑伊了轧姘头 (怀疑他老婆在外面有姘头) (he thinks that his wife has wild man)

  吃饱老酒挥拳头 (喝了老酒挥舞拳头) (dinks and Kongfus)

  对老伊额骷榔头 (对准她的脑袋) (aims at her head)

  穷心穷恶一记头 (狠狠地打了一下) (Bing Bong)

  兰花头伐是好无头 (兰花头也不是好惹的) (Lanwalled is not a soft bone)

  对准杜鼻头额下头 (对准大鼻子的下面) (aim at the key part of the Big-nose)

  撩起来就是一脚头 (飞起一脚) (Pinlin Panlang)

  杜鼻头,触霉头 (大鼻子很倒霉) (the B-n is low-rp)

  痛了一个多号头 (痛了一个多月) (he has ayoweied for a month)

  涅里外头避风头 (白天在外面避风头) (walk outside in the morning)

  亚里蹲了门口头 (晚上蹲在家门口不敢进去) (stay outside in the night)

  常怕回起收骨头 (怕又被打) (be afraid of being Pinlin Panlang again)

  里革委里杜块头 (居委会的大胖子) (the Fat-man in the committee )

  电筒照老杜鼻头: (手电筒照着大鼻子) (find the B-n by the light of the lighter)

  蒙伊是伐是贼骨头? (问他你是不是小偷) (ask whether the B-n is a thief)

  杜鼻头气得来瓜瓜抖: (大鼻子气得浑身发抖) (the B-n is angry and Guaguadoul)

  杜块头,么清头 (大块头,你没脑子) (Fat-man you are short of brain)

  哈刚有啥额刚头! (不要没事胡说八道!) (is there any Gangdou of Hagan)

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