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Analysis: The author first shows what the purpose of the research is, researches the green decision-making of supply chain under the non-government subsidy strategy and the single subsidy strategy, and further explores the influence of the governments external coordination and the internal coordination of the supply chain subsidy strategy on the supply chain decision-making. The method used is to establish a Stackelberg game model, and then clarify the conclusions obtained: the green quality level of the manufacturer under the coordinated subsidy strategy is higher than that of the single subsidy strategy, and when consumers have strong green awareness, the green quality level under the internal coordination strategy Higher, but the profit under the external coordination strategy is always the best; while the retailer’s profit under the external coordination strategy is always better than other subsidy strategies, and the internal coordination strategy is the most unfavorable for the retailer when the consumer’s green awareness is weak.





Analysis: The first category of keywords: "green supply chain", "government subsidies", pointing out that the research object is under government subsidies in the green supply chain and research background. The editors of "Single Subsidy Strategy" and "Coordinated Subsidy Strategy" consider them to be the third category of keywords. They point out the keywords of the research conclusion, in order to indicate which subsidy strategy should be used in the research conclusion. Based on the analysis of the previous papers, many articles actually did not choose the second type of keywords, that is, the keywords of the research method. The editor thinks that most of the research in this area may choose the same method, such as government subsidies for green supply chains. Most researches choose the Stackerberg game model, so the author may think that it is not representative, that is, it will not be proposed as a keyword alone.



随着国际社会对全球气候变化的关注,绿色发展逐步成为新的发展共识。这就要求企业在生产过程中注重对环境的影响,越来越多的企业进行 了绿色实践。然而,绿色生产意味着更高的生产成本,包括购买绿色原材料、引进绿色技术、实现能源资源再利用等,因此会降低企业进行绿色生产的动因[2,3]。为此,政府提出了多种优惠政策,如补贴、减免 税收、政府优先采购等,其中补贴策略是最为常见有效的激励方式[4]。例如,2009年由国家发改委、工信部、财政部联合推动实施“节能产品惠民工程”,即对能效等级1级或2级以上的十大类高效节能产品进行财政补贴,以部分抵消节能产品生产商在技术研发及环保零部件采购等方面的投入。再如政府了激励消费者购买新能源汽车,2015年财政部发布了《关于2016~2020年新能源汽车推广应用财政支持政策的通知》,对购买新能源汽车的消费者进行补贴;2018年进一步发布了《关于调整完善新能源汽车推广应用财政补贴政策的通知》,对新能源汽车的财政补贴政策做了调整。这些政策极大地促进了绿色产业的发展,但是由于补贴对象与补贴数量不同,其政策效果不一,因 此对政府而言,如何选择补贴对象、确定补贴数量,以最大限度地激励企业与消费者生产和消费绿色产品,是值得研究的问题。同时,发展绿色产业不仅与生产企业有关,也会受到与其相关联的上下游企业决策的影响[5]。基于此,本研究拟从供应链视角出发,探讨在制造商与零售商共同绿色努力的基础上,不同政府补贴策略对供应链绿色发展的影响。


Analysis: When composing the background, the author also starts from the big picture, and uses logical language to guide this big problem step by step to the small problem to be studied. Make the reader read it step by step, and the logic is clear. The author first introduces the green pursuit from the international community, and explains the problems faced by enterprises in green manufacturing, and the Chinese government has put forward some policies in response to these problems. Among them, the most effective is government subsidies, which is naturally introduced into the subject of this article. . Then it lists the subsidy policies of some countries, which are equivalent to some realistic cases, which show the practical significance and necessity of the research.


In the literature review part, first studied the research of government subsidies on green supply chain management, first the subsidy objects of a single subject, and then the influence of subsidy strategies under different subsidy subjects. But it shows the impact of government subsidies on green decision-making in the supply chain.Finally, clarify the problems to be solved in this research. When this article is a literature review, it also mainly highlights the innovative points of studying the same issue from different angles.




Analysis:The articles basic assumptions and the setting of symbolic variables are relatively clear. The setting of each variable and its references are clearly marked.




Then the government subsidy strategy is pided into no government subsidy strategy, manufacturers subsidy strategy, retailers subsidy strategy, and solve the interests and social welfare of all parties in three modes.




针对由一个制造商与一个零售商构成的供应链,在考虑制造商与零售商 共同绿色努力的基础上,比较分析无补贴策略、制造商补贴策略与零售商补贴策略3种单一补贴策略对供应链决策的影响,并进一步分析政府外部协调补贴策略与供应链内部协调补贴策略对供应链最优决策的调节作 用。研究结果表明,增强消费者绿色意识,能够激励制造商与零售商提 高绿色质量水平与绿色投资努力水平,对供应链与整个社会而言均是有利的。比较不同政府补贴策略下的最优决策可知,在消费者绿色意识较弱时,外部协调策略下更能激励制造商提高绿色质量水平,但随着消费者绿色意识的增强,内部协调策略下的绿色质量水平会更高;而对零售商而言,其绿色投资努力水平在外部协调补贴策略下总是最优的。比较还可 知,制造商与零售商的利润在政府外部协调补贴策略下是最高的,从而促使整个供应链利润的提升。有趣的是,在消费者绿色意识较弱时,供应链协调策略对零售商而言反而是不利的。总体来看,协调补贴策略下的社会福利会优于单一补贴策略,优于无补贴策略,其中政府外部协调策略下的社会福利是最高的;在单一补贴策略下,对制造商补贴比对零售商补贴更为有利。

Analysis: The conclusion part focuses on what results the author has obtained through research and where are the shortcomings. You can pay attention to the difference between the epilogue and the abstract. The abstract highlights what this article is going to study, and the conclusion part highlights what the author’s research results are.



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