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说起本杰明·富兰克林,相信学过美国历史的朋友都对他有印象,他是美国有名的思想家、外交家和社会活动家,是《独立宣言》和美国宪法的起草者之一,被称为“美国国父”,地位和华盛顿等同。另外,我们还可以从100美金上看到他,上面的那个长发的男子就是他——本杰明·富兰克林。但是,你知道,本杰明·富兰克林之前说过这样一句话,“Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”翻译过来,就是“我们的新宪法现在是制定了,并且看起来还能长久有效。但在这个世界上没有东西能说是确定的,除了死亡和税收。”


(1)Tax originally denoted ‘assess an amount to be levied’; the notion of ‘imposing such a levy’ is a secondary development. The word comes via Old French taxer from Latin taxāre ‘touch, assess, appraise’, a derivative of tangere ‘touch’ (source of English contact, tangible, etc). From taxāre was derived the medieval Latin noun taxa ‘tax, piece of work imposed’, which passed into English via Anglo-Norman tasque as task .

=> tact, tangent, tangible, task

(2)c. 1300, "impose a tax on," from Old French taxer "impose a tax" (13c.) and directly from Latin taxare "evaluate, estimate, assess, handle," also "censure, charge," probably a frequentative form of tangere "to touch" (see tangent (adj.)). Sense of "to burden, put a strain on" first recorded early 14c.; that of "censure, reprove" is from 1560s. Its use in Luke ii for Greek apographein "to enter on a list, enroll" is due to Tyndale. Related: Taxed; taxing.


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