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很早以前的文章:从临时绿卡到十年绿卡的过程 写过十年绿卡攻略。今天这篇文章是一个更新补充版,补充了我申请十绿的时间线,也补充了英文版。英文版在后面。



申请K1签证 → 持签证入境美国 → 申请临时绿卡 → 申请十年绿卡 → 如满三年可归化入美国籍(如想入籍的话可以申请入籍,如不想入籍就继续持有绿卡)


申请CR1签证 → 持签证入境美国 → 收到临绿(无需申请临绿会寄到家) → 申请十年绿卡 → 如满三年可归化入美国籍(如想入籍的话可以申请入籍,如不想入籍就继续持有绿卡)


与美国公民结婚后,其外籍配偶和子女可以以直系亲属的身份申请绿卡。在申请绿卡中,如果移民申请批准的时候,婚姻还未满2年,那么申请人取得绿卡为条件绿卡(conditions of residence 信息来源:https://www.uscis.gov/green-card/after-green-card-granted/conditional-permanent-residence),也是大家通常所说的临时绿卡

在临时绿卡期满前90天内,可以申请转为永久绿卡(I-751 Petition to Remove Conditions of Residence)。永久绿卡一般10年期限,因此也叫十年绿卡





临时绿卡的有效期为两年,两年期满前的90天内,夫妻两人需要一起向移民局提出转十年绿卡的申请(I-751 Petition to Remove Conditions of Residence)。


(官方网页详细介绍了I-751 Petition to Remove Conditions of Residence的情况,包括费用,申请条件等)







  1. 夫妇共同填写及签名I-751申请取消有条件居留表格https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/document/forms/i-751.pdf;
  2. Cover Sheet(方便面试官查看)
  3. 缴费680美元(支付方式)
  4. 临时绿卡复印件;
  5. 真诚婚姻证明,包括两人的共同居所证明,共有财产,水电费账单,联名账户,信用卡账单,两人的子女出生纸,含有两个人名字的保险单,两个人的联合税单,假期行程单酒店账单,家庭合影等等。



  1. 填I-751表;
  2. Cover Sheet(方便面试官查看)
  3. 缴费680美元(支付方式)
  4. 临时绿卡副本;
  5. 真诚的婚姻证明,包括与美籍配偶共居住宅的租约,曾经拥有共有财产,子女出生纸,及配偶死亡证书副本。


  1. I-751表格;
  2. Cover Sheet(方便面试官查看)
  3. 缴费680美元
  4. 临时绿卡副本;
  5. 真诚婚姻证明,包括曾经同居住所的租约,曾经拥有共同财产,子女出生纸,离婚或婚姻失效证明副本,证明并非外籍配偶之错误而导致离婚或婚姻无效。


  1. I- 751表格﹔
  2. Cover Sheet(方便面试官查看)
  3. 缴费
  4. 临时绿卡副本;
  5. 真诚婚姻证明,包括曾经同居,共有财产,子女出生纸,子女或本人受虐的自白书,[例如身体受虐的报告,社工的评估,因为受虐而离婚的证明],并非外籍配偶之错而离婚的证明,离开美国会导致极端困境的证明。


  1. I-751表;
  2. Cover Sheet(方便面试官查看)
  3. 缴费
  4. 临时绿卡副本;
  5. 书面说明与外籍父或母分开办理的原因。

准备好申请材料之后,请https://www.uscis.gov/i-751此网页中找到“Where to File”,点击查看你所在州,找到相应的官方邮寄地址。

Where to file

U.S. postal Service (USPS):


P.O. Box 21200

Phoenix, AZ 85036

FedEx, UPS, and DHL deliveries:


Attn: I-751

1820 E. Skyharbor Circle S

Suite 100

Phoenix, AZ 85034

1.邮寄后等待通知,移民局会寄1-797 notice of actiion给你。如下图
























2020年2月29日去银行寄出签证费595美元 录指模费用85美元(一共680美元),寄出十绿申请材料。这次又是老公全程准备的材料。我就是在旁边看着,他准备好了之后,我们相互检查了几遍才寄出。


2020年3月3日根据track number,他们收到申请材料。

2020年3月10日收到USCIS短信: “Your case was received. Receipt # *********. Official Receipt Notice (Form I-797) to follow in mail. Msg & Data rates may apply. DO NOT REPLY”。好惊讶啊,USCIS居然发短信通知。

2020年3月12日收到USCIS的I-797信件通知。这个信件一定要收好!很重要!I-797信件将条件绿卡(也叫临时绿卡)有效期延长18个月,所以有时候也叫这个I-797信件为延长信。如果想回国,可以拿着中国护照 过期绿卡 延长信就可以了。不过,美国疫情接着爆发了,我一直在美国,没有回国。

2021年3月13日,等了一年,收到USCIS的信件,通知他们会用我过去的biometric信息,我不需要biometric appointment ,意思是我不需要去录指纹了。之前申请临绿是需要去录指纹的,这次因为疫情的原因,这次居然不用了。但是信件中说录指纹的费用不退。老公说移民局真是赚钱。

2021年4月17日,我平时很少查case status,不知道为什么4月17日这天查看一下,发现4月16日状态更新了解了,写着“New Card Is Being Produced”!哈哈,我绿卡通过了!全文如下:“On April 16, 2021, we ordered your new card for Receipt Number LIN2090******, and will mail it to the address you gave us. If you move, go to www.uscis.gov/addresschange to give us your new mailing address.”

2021年21日,状态更新“Card Was Mails To Me”,说明他们很快要寄出我的绿卡了。

2021年22日,状态更新“Card Was Picked Up By The United States Postal Service”,还给了一个查询号码,一查号码,发现今天已经投递了,我立刻打开自己家的邮箱,果然,收到了我的十年绿卡!哈哈开心!从去年3月提交申请到今天收到花了14个月时间!感谢老公在申请过程中的细心准备,我几乎就没有操心过。


Removing Conditions (I-751) on US Permanent Residency Step-by-Step Guide


A permanent resident is given the privilege of living and working in the United States permanently. A persons permanent residence status will be conditional if it is based on a marriage that was less than two years old on the day they were given permanent residence. A person is also given conditional resident status on the day they are lawfully admitted to the United States on an immigrant visa (having been married less than two years and entering on a CR-1 Visa). A persons permanent resident status is conditional, because they must prove that they did not get married to evade the immigration laws of the United States.

When to File:

If you are filing jointly, the I-751 form must be filed within the 90 days just preceding the expiration date on your permanent residence card. This is the date that your conditional residence expires. Note that, despite the fact that you may see word "anniversary" used in a confusing way regarding the filing date for removal of conditions, your wedding date is completely irrelevant to determining the window of time during which you may file for removal of conditions. If you and your spouse are outside the United States on orders of the U.S. Government during the period in which the petition must be filed, you may file it within 90 days of your return to the United States. See the USCIS webpage for more specific instructions, and search the forum for stories of several people who have done this successfully.

It is very important to file the I-751 within the correct window of time, and be sure not to file it before the 90-day window. If you file it too early, they will send your application back. You may file at any time during the 90 day window, but it is prudent to file fairly early in the window.

If you fail to properly file the Form I-751 (Petition to Remove the Conditions on Residence) within the 90-day period before your second anniversary as a conditional resident, your conditional resident status will automatically be terminated and the USCIS will order removal proceedings against you. You will receive a notice from the USCIS telling you that you have failed to remove the conditions, and you will also receive a Notice to Appear at a hearing. At the hearing you may review and rebut the evidence against you. You are responsible for proving that you complied with the requirements (the USCIS is not responsible for proving that you did not comply with the requirements).

The USCIS may send a reminder to file this petition on time, however you should not rely on this reminder -- postal delivery is never without faults. Not receiving the letter is not an excuse for filing late.

Download the Following Forms:

1. I-751(https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/document/forms/i-751.pdf)

The above form can be filled out on your computer and printed. Make sure you sign and date them as required. Anything you cannot fit by typing, you can handwrite (very neatly) in black ink in the blank instead. You should always verify the current forms at www.uscis.gov.

Assembling the I-751 Package:

Forms and Documents (follow these assembly instructions. All supporting documents must be in English or be translated as noted here.):

1. Payment as required by USCIS. Use a personal check so you can track the payment. Money Orders are also accepted. Read the Guide to Paying USCIS Immigration Fees.

2. Cover Sheet

3. Form I-751, Petition to Remove the Conditions on Residence

4. Copy of the Green Card (Front and Back) for the person filing to remove conditions (and any K2 children)

5. Evidence of Bona fide Relationship (see below)

Evidence of Your Bona fide Marital Relationship

A crucial part of filing this form is that you present evidence of your bona fide marital relationship, as your removal of conditions is based upon your marriage. There are a variety of documentations that you may submit. While the USCIS instructions for the I-751 say that evidence should cover the entire period from your marriage up to the present date, there is no need to repeat evidence that you already submitted to them earlier. Many couples submit no evidence whatsoever covering the period before their first interview. In any case, its helpful to concentrate on the evidence that has developed since they last interviewed you.

You do not have to have all of the types listed below as proof of the relationship; supply as many as you like. If you are short on the documents that have both of your names listed on them you MAY include affidavits from people who know you as a couple, confirming your marital relationship -- note that they are not required. If you have very little documentary evidence, you may find affidavits helpful. Additionally, you will need to submit a copy of the green card of the person who is applying for removal of conditions. IF you have K-2 children who will also be filing for removal of conditions at the same time, you may include them and use only one form and only one fee for the form.

On the "dont panic" front -- ultimately the burden of proof is on the CIS to show a fraudulent marriage. Even if CIS denies, the application can be renewed in front of an Immigration Judge (IJ) in Removal Proceedings -- and the IJs tend to APPROVE those cases.

ONLY SEND COPIES of evidence. The copies should be clear and all marks pertaining to filings, registration and/or government issuance should be clearly shown.

Examples of documents showing a bona fide relationship (Submit COPIES only. Do not send originals):

1. A deed, showing co-ownership of your property or a lease agreement with both of your names on the


2. Utility bills, credit card bills, and other types of bills which have both of your names on them. Since many utilities will only put a bill in one persons name, some bills in one name and other bills at the same address but in the other spouses name serve the same purpose: showing your financial & social lives intermingled.

3. Copies of actual credit cards, health insurance cards, or other "joint" cards that you have together,

showing same account number.

4. Car, health, or life insurance that has both of your names on the policy or the other spouse listed as the


5. 401K or other retirement plan with spouse listed as beneficiary (right to survivorship is the technical term)

6. Bank or stock accounts with both of your names on them.

7. A copy of your joint federal and state tax returns (including W-2s and other applicable Schedules and attachments). Sending an official tax transcript from the IRS (for Federal) is beneficial and often preferred as it reflects what was actually filed.

8. A car title or other titles to property showing joint ownership with your spouse.

9. Birth certificate of any children that have been born to your marriage.

10. Documentation of any vacations that you have taken, including flight itineraries, hotel bills, pictures of you

together on vacation.

11. Other family pictures of you together.

12. Documentary proof showing evidence of your children together (Copy of Birth Certificate, photos, etc)

13. Copies of Christmas cards and other holiday cards addressed to you both

Mailing the Packet & What to do While You Wait

The I-751 form and accompanying documents are mailed to either the USCIS California or Vermont Service Centers (click here to see the filing location for your state) depending on your state of residence. (Use certified mail or priority mail with delivery confirmation, and write "Attention: I-751 petition to remove conditions of status" on the envelope under the address.) You will receive a notice of receipt for the form stating that "Your alien card is extended one year - employment and travel authorized". Keep the receipt with your green card. If by some chance you are not approved within a year you will want to make an InfoPass appointment to go to your Local Office to request an I-551 stamp in your passport. This does happen as it sometimes it takes over a year to be approved. After your NOA extension expires, this is your only evidence of legal status which you are required to have, by law. This happens occasionally, that a case takes over a year, but its rare. Local Offices will not give an I-551 stamp if you have another type of evidence of status (ie, expired Green Card extension letter).

You may or may not be called for an interview after you submit this form. Procedures have been in flux for the past year or so regarding biometrics collections (fingerprints, and photo) and you may get a letter sending you to your DO or ASC for this service--this is not an interview. Simply follow the instructions that YOU receive from USCIS and dont worry too much about other peoples situations. Yours is the one that counts for you. If you are selected for an interview, it will be at your local USCIS office, not at the service center. Most typically, you have already had a biometrics appointment before your notice of approval, and your new Green Card will be mailed to you. However, you should follow all directions received from USCIS. I-751 cases are generally completed in 6-12 months, currently. Once you receive the 10-year green card, it should be renewed every 10 years, if you do not become a U.S. citizen in the interim. Instructions for renewing your card are here: How Do I Renew My Permanent Resident Card (Green Card)?

Note on Case #s: The case number on the NOA1 is not linked to the USCIS case update site - you have to wait for the case number that comes with the biometrics letter.

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