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29岁的开开是一位美国人。2007年,他第一次来中国旅游;2008年和2009年,他分别在北京大学和台北国立大学学中文(高材生啊!)。 Kaikai, the Chinese name of a 29-year-old American, became a Taobao shop owner in 2012. He said that his first visit to China was in 2007 he then studied Putonghua at Beijing University and National Taiwan University in 2008 and 2009.

“我用中文日常交流没有任何问题。我也看得懂中文,能在电脑和手机键盘上打出中文。但我没刻意练习写中文,因为现在大家都是打字比较多。” "I can say everything in Chinese, I can also read and type the words on computers and mobile phones," he said. "However, I didnt dedicate my Chinese studies to handwriting as there is not much practicality for it in this day and age." 他良好的中文功底为他后来的淘宝事业奠定了重要的基础。在2012年,开开创立了他的淘宝店铺,主要是卖美国进口的厨房电器,电子产品和旅行用具。 His excellent command of Putonghua laid a solid foundation for his future Taobao career. In 2012, Kaikai began selling household kitchen appliances, electronic devices and travel accessories on Taobao.

他说开淘宝店这个想法是受到身边叫他从美国带iPhone 4S的中国朋友的启发。“我那时也需要把我的薪水(用美元支付的)换成人民币。所以他们给我人民币,让我用美元买手机,也让我免去了换钱的麻烦。” He said he was inspired by Chinese friends who kept asking him to buy iPhone 4S from the US for them. "At that time, I had a need to convert my salary (paid in dollars) into yuan, so it was a win-win for both sides," he said. 在帮朋友们带了几次手机后,开开看到了代购这个行业的商机。于是他一鼓作气辞掉了当时的工作,专门开了淘宝店,全职卖美国的产品。 Realizing the viability of this new trade, Kaikai decided to quit his job and begin selling products on Taobao full time.

但开淘宝店首先就是要注册。对于老外来说,注册淘宝店程序会不会比中国店主麻烦得多呢?开开在采访中说,独立开淘宝店的歪果仁只需要提交护照,参加简单的中文水平测验。通过之后,就可以注册淘宝店铺了。 In terms of procedure, he said foreigners without Chinese partners need only a passport and the completion of a simple Chinese-language test. 开开一开始开店的时候,是靠着一个人的力量白手起家的,没有雇佣任何帮手。 Like many budding entrepreneurs, Kaikai didnt have any help at the beginning of his business.


开开说 “歪果仁”这个身份,是他在淘宝上做生意突出的竞争优势。

Thomas Talhelm is an assistant professor of behavioral science at the University of Chicago. During his stay in China in 2013, he noticed smog becoming a crucial environmental issue and thus founded the social enterprise Smart Air Filters to promote DIY air filters as cheaper alternatives to expensive air purifiers. Thomas把市面上几款空气净化器拆开后,发现最核心的零件就是一个电风扇,一个过滤器,而这些核心零件单买的价格不及一台空气净化器价格的十分之一。而经过他的测试,仅仅用最简约核心的零部件,依旧能有效地过滤空气。 These DIY purifiers primarily consist of a fan and a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter, which are the major components of any standard air filter.

为了把这种便宜的DIY空气净化器带给更多有需要的人,Thomas跟他的朋友们在2013年创立了自己的淘宝店Smart Air.

目前这两位歪果仁店主的店铺都是皇冠店了,但是回首一路走来的过程,他们都说中间遇到很多困难和挑战。 开开说,一开始他并不知道如何把产品大批量地从美国运往中国。为了找到好的物流运输方式,他碰了很多壁。“现在我们一个月会发12公吨的东西到中国,有的是空运,有的是海运。” Kaikai explained that at the beginning he was unsure how to export products from the US into China, which required plenty of logistical research and trial-and-error attempts. "We are now shipping about 12 metric tons of goods each month via air and sea," he said. 此外,开开说自己有点控制狂和完美主义倾向,所以如何把某些业务放手让手下的人去做,是他另一个挑战。“现在我请了5个全职人员担任客服。” Kaikai pointed out that learning how to delegate tasks to increase scalability is essential. "Initially, I was a bit of a control freak, as I wanted to control all aspects of the business to ensure the best quality service," he said."However, I realized that I had to delegate tasks, such as customer service, which is why I now have about five employees just in customer service." 而Thomas认为认真对待顾客们的反馈,是非常重要的,尤其是顾客的批评。“收到中差评,我们一般会站在客人的角度想他们为什么给我们不好的评价。我们会查明客人说的是不是真的,找出我们不足的地方。” Talhelm believes that evaluating customer feedback is extremely helpful, especially negative comments. “First we try to figure out what the customer is talking about. Is it true? Where was the problem? If its a scientific or technical question, I send data (or even run a new test if its something we havent tested)," he said. 他说目前主要的中差评是关于净化器的噪音问题。“但市面上几乎所有净化器,都会有噪音的问题。一旦空气净化器是静音模式,它的过滤能力就会下降。我们现在在探索如何在保证净化效果的同时,降低噪音。” He added that the most common negative comment about his product is noise, which is a fundamental problem with almost all air purifiers. "Any machine that is pushing out air will create noise, but people want less noise. There are quiet purifiers out there, but they dont push out enough clean air. Were working on radical new designs for quiet yet clean filters," Talhelm said.

被问到是否需要淘宝平台给你们这样的外国店主提供一些帮助,开开说他觉得不太需要。他说他从没奢望过马云能给外国店主一个通行证,让他们的淘宝店运营得比中国店主更容易。 In terms of what administrative or promotional support he expects from Taobao, Kaikai said that he doesnt expect Jack Ma to just hand over to foreign shop owners a magical key to the castle.


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