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  2. > 税务筹划 >



· the company was resident, in which case it paid income tax of 15% on its world-wide chargeable income;

· 本土公司,对全球可征税的收入征收15%

· the company was non-resident, in which case it paid 15% income tax on its chargeable income arising in or remitted to the BVI; or

· 非土公司,对在BVI产生可征税的收入及调回BVI的收入征收15%,或

· the company was resident but was an 'offshore trading company', meaning that 90% of its profits arise from activity conducted outside the BVI, and it paid tax at the rate of 1% on its world-wide income.

· 本土公司,对离岸的全球可征税的收入征收1%,离岸定义即90%利润在BVI以外获得

Chargeable income was assessed after deduction of expenses; tax credits were allowed on foreign tax paid in treaty countries and certain other countries.


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