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只争朝夕,不负韶华 seize the day and live it to the fullest


To ensure that rural migrant workers get their wages on time and in full, the regulation has clauses on clarifying the responsibilities of employers and related government departments, detailing rules for special areas and strengthening supervision.为了保障农民工按时足额获得工资,《条例》从明确用人单位以及相关政府部门的职责,细化重点领域治理措施,以及强化监管手段等方面做出了明确规定。


《家用电器安全使用年限》系列标准从安全使用年限要求(standard life span)、正常使用条件(standard operating conditions)和消费提醒信息(alert notification)三方面进行规范。


The document has set step-by-step timelines to reduce the use of single-use, non-degradable plastics and parcel packaging in the next five years .意见列出了未来五年内分步骤减少一次性或不可降解塑料制品以及塑料包装的时间安排。


冠状病毒(coronavirus)是一类主要引起呼吸道、肠道疾病(respiratory and intestinal diseases)的病原体。这类病毒颗粒的表面有许多规则排列的突起(a fringe of bulbous surface projections ),整个病毒颗粒就像一顶帝王的皇冠(royal crown),因此得名“冠状病毒”。冠状病毒除人类以外,还可感染猪、牛、猫、犬、貂、骆驼、蝙蝠、老鼠、刺猬等多种哺乳动物以及多种鸟类(mammals and birds)。


2019-nCoV, as its been labelled, is understood to be a new strain of coronavirus that has not previously been identified in humans.这种新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV)此前未在人类身上发现过。

Coronaviruses are a broad family of viruses, but only six (the new one would make it seven) are known to infect people.冠状病毒是一个庞大的病毒家族,目前已知会感染人类的有六种(新发现的这种是第七种)。

Scientists believe an animal source is "the most likely primary source" but that some human-to-human transmission has occurred.科学家认为动物是“最有可能的初始感染源”,不过,也有一些人传人的病例。

Signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.感染症状包括:呼吸道症状,发烧,咳嗽,呼吸短促,呼吸困难等。




The prevention and control work is crucial at the moment due to the large passenger flows during the Spring Festival holiday, Xi said.


The Party committees and governments at all levels must put peoples safety and health as the top priority and take effective measures to curb the spread of the virus, he said.


Xi ordered all-out efforts to treat patients, identify the causes of the virus infection and spread at an earlier date, strengthen monitoring and standardize treatment procedures.


Xi spoke of the need for the timely release of information and the deepening of international cooperation.


He also stressed the necessity of informing the public of relevant policies to safeguard social stability and ensure people have a peaceful and auspicious Chinese New Year festival.



Li instructed related government departments and localities to improve response plans and spare no effort in prevention and control in this regard.各相关部门和地方要完善应对方案,全力以赴做好防控工作。

He also demanded better communication and coordination with the World Health Organization, related countries, as well as Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to join efforts to curb the spread of the virus.


China has issued a temporary reimbursement policy to make sure patients with pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus will receive timely and thorough treatment.



Reimbursement指“偿付;报销”,常用的搭配是reimbursement for... expenses,比如: reimbursement for medical expenses(医疗费用报销),reimbursement fo travel expenses(出行费用报销)等。


一是将国家卫生健康委《新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎诊疗方案》覆盖的药品和医疗服务项目,全部临时纳入医保基金支付范围(expenses from medicines and medical services needed for treating the pneumonia will be completely covered by medical insurance funds)。

二是保证及时支付患者费用,特别是发挥医疗救助资金的兜底保障作用(make full use of the medical assistance fund to ensure that medical bills of pneumonia patients are paid in time),打消患者就医顾虑。对异地就医患者先救治后结算,报销不再执行异地转外就医支付比例调减规定,减少患者流动带来的传染风险。

三是对集中收治的医院,医保部门将预付资金减轻医院垫付压力(medical insurance departments will pay for expenses incurred in the treatment of the disease in advance to lessen financial pressures on hospitals),患者医疗费用不再纳入医院总额预算控制指标。

(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

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