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In recent years, a number of people have chosen to start their own businesses by going overseas to register their companies, and whats more, a number of companies have moved their business registration overseas by any means possible, and are they doing so because they are fed up with it? Apparently not.

The advantages of overseas company registration speak for themselves, for entrepreneurs to have an overseas branch will bring great convenience for their business development, the large domestic Internet companies are almost all registered in overseas offshore companies, so understand the advantages of overseas company registration is quite necessary, at least for entrepreneurs very useful, so what are the benefits of registering an overseas company?

First, you can be exempt from a significant portion of taxes and enjoy various privileges when you return to your home country again as a foreign investor.


In fact, it is not necessary to be a citizen of the country to register a company in certain countries overseas, foreigners can also register a company. In these countries, there is no corporate sales tax, sales tax, or even personal income tax that is normally paid by companies, but only the usual operating fees. This is not possible for many large and medium sized countries. The benefits of being able to register a company in such a country, especially where the parent company is located, cannot be overstated. Incorporating a company overseas and returning to the country of origin as a foreign company generally comes with the preferential treatment of a foreign company, especially in developing countries such as China, where the benefits of tax exemptions, reductions or subsidies are generally granted for an initial period of several years and often with certain privileges not available to domestic companies. Entering a market like China as an overseas company also has the special function of protecting ones own interests, and foreign companies registering and investing shares in China have more lenient treatment in terms of entry and exit, and transfer of shares, which makes sense for those who need to exit safely after making a profit as a curve defense operation. This is especially necessary for countries that are politically unstable or where there is more rule of man than rule of law.


Secondly, overseas companies are registered at a low cost, the procedures are simple through agents, and companies and their legal representatives can enjoy better business services.


Legal representatives of overseas companies can easily travel to and from international countries, because these registered companies are generally located in the countries of the United Kingdom, the United States, France and Germany, with their visas, it is logical to travel to large countries for business. Most of the countries and regions with the above advantages are Western countries, which have long been politically stable, politically neutral, with a modernized judicial system and social culture, as well as a modernized financial and economic service system, and can provide complete financial services for enterprises.


Thirdly, the establishment of an overseas company can enjoy various policy benefits, and different industries enjoy different benefits when they are incorporated abroad.


These industries are concentrated in international trade, international investment, intermediate holding companies, financial companies, personal service companies, employment companies, etc.


For example: in the international trade industry, the most common use of companies incorporated in low-tax zones is for international trade. The introduction of offshore companies in international trade can provide significant tax breaks.


Another example: in the international investment industry, the establishment of overseas companies is often used to manage investments in subsidiaries and associates, publicly listed and unlisted companies, and joint venture projects.


In many cases, capital gains arising from extraordinary investments may not be taxable. On the other hand, withholding tax on pidends can be significantly reduced by using companies registered in tax-free or low-tax jurisdictions that have double taxation agreements with the contracting State.


Fourth, having an international brand trademark improves the corporate image.


Depending on the characteristics of the companys industry, the overseas registered company and its holding, for example, the paint industry and high-tech products or high unit price goods (such as: cosmetics, clothing, etc.), the international well-known manufacturers are mostly U.S. companies, manufacturers belonging to the relevant industries can consider the establishment of a company registered in the United States, and then authorized in the name of the U.S. company in Hong Kong / Mainland / Vietnam (or any region) production. This can increase the added value of product marketing and enhance product image.

根据公司产业特性,海外注册公司并对其控股,譬如:涂料业及高科技产品或高单价之商品(如:化妆品、成衣等),国际知名厂商多为美国公司,属相关产业之厂商即可考虑在美国登记设立一家公司后,再以此美国公司之名义授权在香港 / 大陆 / 越南(或任何地区)生产。如此可增加产品行销之附加价值,提升产品形象。

Fifth, expand sales channels and have greater profit margins.


According to statistics, less than 3% of foreign merchants purchase goods directly, and most of them buy Chinese products through one or more intermediaries; if you set up a company overseas, you are the overseas general agent of manufacturers or products, they are more willing to deal with you directly, and your products can have a broader sales channel. If you can deal directly with foreign merchants and reduce the number of middlemen, you will have more initiative and will have greater profits from selling your products.


Sixth, personnel come and go freely, leaving your opponents behind.


With your own overseas company, you will be able to directly station your business cadres overseas, and of course the shareholders of the company will be free to go in and out of the country themselves to keep abreast of its changing overseas marketing information, and to attend local short term training and various professional exhibitions to expand their horizons. Your overseas registered company can get local goods and sales information faster and more directly. At the same time, you can establish cooperative relationship with foreign companies more directly. Such as agent for overseas products, OEM, cooperative joint venture, patent agent, etc.

In addition, incorporation of an offshore company allows complete confidentiality of the companys registration data, operations, financial and other related information, and eliminates the need to file annual returns, establish financial accounts to the government of the offshore companys place of incorporation, etc.

Nowadays, the world economy is becoming increasingly integrated, and business is increasingly showing the development trend of cross-border, and enterprises often use cross-border operation to enhance their strength and expand their business area. The incorporation of overseas offshore companies is a shortcut for enterprises to go global, carry out transnational business and enhance their international image. Convenient international trade, avoid tariff barriers, avoid foreign exchange management, facilitate the attraction of capital, strengthen the ability of overseas financing, registration procedures are convenient, open, low cost; legal tax avoidance, reduce the financial and tax burden; simple company management, company registration information and documents are highly confidential, no business scope and regional scope of restrictions; no restrictions on investors, shareholders, directors, the nationality of shareholders and directors, age, assets, etc. There are no restrictions on investors, shareholders, directors, nationality, age, assets of shareholders and directors, etc. Most "offshore" zones can accept legal persons as company directors.

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