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heavily reliant on 严重依赖

land sales and土地出售

transfers from the central government转移支付

provide fewer feathers to pluck(能薅的羊毛变少了)

ameliorate some of the perversities of the countrys economic model 改善扭曲

discourage speculation抑制投机

invigorate rental market(激活租房市场).

asset-rich” but relatively “cash-poor”有资产没钱

the tax is not the only lever that policymakers can pull税收也不是唯一工具

hefty downpayment requirements高首付

limits on the purchase of additional flats购买多套房的限制

local social-security contributions社保

weigh too heavily on 影响过大

cool speculation抑制投机

exempts the first xx square metres of space 免征


A. (of food or drink 食物或饮料) 可口的;味美的having a pleasant or acceptable taste

B. ~ (to sb)宜人的;可意的;可接受的pleasant or acceptable to sb

Some of the dialogue has been changed to make it more palatable to an American audience.有些对白有所修改以适应美国观众的口味。

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