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Gibraltar has rejected a renewed US request demanding the seizure of the tanker Grace 1, which has been renamed Adrian Darya 1. The ship is expected to set sail from Gibraltar on Sunday evening.


The British overseas territory rejected a warrant issued Friday by a federal court in Washington that sought the supertankers arrest, the oil it carried and the almost $1 million allegedly found at an acccount of an unnamed US bank. The US request came into conflict with the EU law under which Gibraltar governs, and led “to the differences in the sanctions regimes applicable to Iran in the EU and the US,” it said in a statement on Sunday.


“The EU sanctions regime against Iran –which is applicable in Gibraltar– is much narrower than that applicable in the US,”it explained.


(via Internet)

The US based its seizure requests on a claim that ‘Adrian Darya 1’ was ferrying Iranian crude to Syria under the auspices of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which is designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the US but not the EU or other world powers.


最新消息 美国对“格雷斯一号”油轮发出扣押令_腾讯视频

(对于美国发出的扣押令的报道,via 央视)

Also, there was a “scheme to unlawfully access the US financial system to support illicit shipments to Syria from Iran by the IRGC,” the Justice Department alleged.

However, none of the allegations were compelling enough for the UK-governed enclave, as these “would not constitute offences in Gibraltar had they occurred in Gibraltar.” There are no “equivalent sanctions against Iran in Gibraltar, the UK or the rest of the EU,” the statement noted.

(via RT news)

参考:RT news,环球网,新京报,央视,网络等。

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