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个人所得税年终奖申报 个人所得税汇算清缴年终奖怎么申报


为减轻个人所得税负担(reduce the burden of inpidual income tax),缓解中低收入群体压力(alleviate the pressure of low- and middle-income groups),会议决定:

The year-end one-off bonus will not be incorporated into the salary income of the current month, and the policy of separate monthly taxation for the bonus will be extended to the end of 2023.


For those whos comprehensive income for the year is 120,000 yuan or less but have tax owed, and those whos tax owed is申报 no more than 400 yuan after the yearly tax settlement, the exemption policy for their tax owed will be extended to the end of 2023.将年收入不超过12万元且需补税或年度汇算补税额不超过400元的免予补税政策延至2023年底。


什么是个人所得税综合所得年度汇算清缴(the annual inpidual income tax settlement for comprehensive income)?

居民个人取得的工资薪金所得(wages and salaries)、劳务报酬所得(remunerations for independent personal services)、稿酬所得和特许权使用费所得(author’s remunerations and royalties),称之为综合所得(comprehensive income)。居民个人取得上述每项所得时,按照规定分别预扣预缴个人所得税。

纳税年度终了后,居民个人应将综合所得汇总计算缴纳年度应纳个人所得税。即取得的上述每项所得汇总后,减除60000元的费用、专项扣除(itemized deductions)、专项附加扣除(additional itemized deductions)以及税法规定的其他扣除后,为应纳税所得额。应纳税所得额乘以适用的累进税率计算出年度应纳税额(the amount of taxable income multiplied by applicable progressive tax rates is the amount of tax payable)。

年度应纳税款(the balance of tax payable)减去已预缴税款(tax withheld)后的余额为应补(退)税额(tax owed or refundable)。为了补缴税款(pay tax owed)或申请退税(claim refunds),纳税人应进行年度个人所得税自行申报。


For listed enterprises, the separate taxation policies for equity incentives has been extended to the end of 2022.




个人所得税 inpidu个人所得税al income tax (IIT)

个人所得税综合所得年度汇算清缴 the annual inpid年终奖ual inco怎么me tax settlement for comprehensive income

专项扣除 itemized deductions

专项附加扣除 additional itemized deductions

年终奖 year-end bonus

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